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It Pays to Precondition Calves Early for Colder Weather
It may seem strange to start planning for colder weather in July, but depending on where you live, that’s probably what you should be doing. We understand a lot more than we used to about calves’ nutritional needs in cold weather.
Skim Milk vs. Whey: Both Have Merits
In our quest to achieve high-quality dairy replacement and market animals, we want to raise them using the best ingredients to support their health and growth. Plus, we want to do that as affordably as possible.
Milk Replacers Built Right for the Job
In this quick video, MacDonald compares a sample of traditional, instantized milk replacer blend, versus the Autofeeder Blend.
Stocking the Welcome Wagon for Pre-weaned Calves
Today’s dedicated calf-raising facilities regularly receive pre-weaned calves that may have traveled from a few miles to a few thousand miles. Having a plan in place for each load can help ensure that those calves settle in and take off to a healthy start in their new homes.
Pro Tips for Traveling Calves
Dairy calf management systems have changed considerably compared to past decades. Today, many dairies do not raise their calves on-site due to larger facilities, specialized management focus, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) considerations. Now, many baby calves of a week old or less are being transported across multiple states to be raised at dedicated calf nursery enterprises.
Saluting Two Women Who’ve Blazed Ag Trails
Building their careers and staking their futures in agriculture was never a question for Cindy Reynolds of Cobb, Wis. or Shayna Wilks of Wendell, Idaho. Others may have doubted them, but they never doubted the decision themselves.
Huntington University Adds Veterinary Nursing Degree Program
The Don Strauss Animal Science Education Center at Huntington University, Huntington, Ind. has made it possible for the school to announce an innovative new major in Veterinary Nursing.
Nothing Beats Real Colostrum (Even If It Comes from a Bag)
If there’s one, single “secret” to raising healthy calves, it’s the timely delivery of high-quality colostrum to every one of them. We’re still learning about all the “goodies” colostrum delivers. A lot of emphasis is placed on immunoglobulins, particularly IgG, because they can be measured on-farm.
Scours and Pneumonia Go Hand-in-Hand
Experienced calf raisers know that scours and pneumonia are the two most common and frustrating health challenges they battle in their animals. What we’re learning now is that the two diseases have some common denominators.
Calf Jackets Complete the Winter Readiness Trifecta
When they enter the world in the middle of winter, newborn calves need all the support we can give them. Calves are born with very little internal fat and few reserves to regulate their body temperature.
How Do We Add Fat for Cold Weather Feeding?
When Old Man Winter calls and the mercury falls, we want to do everything we can to protect our calves, including nutritionally. Adding fat to the ration can help calves maintain body temperature, respiration, blood circulation, and body condition.
Strauss Animal Center at Huntington University Up and Running
The 10,000-square-foot facility was named in honor of the late Don Strauss, founder of Strauss Veal Feeds and Midwest Poultry Services. The Strauss family of North Manchester, Ind. granted the lead gift for the project.
All the “Wheys” We Can Create Quality Milk Replacer
If there is one ingredient I wouldn’t want to give up when making excellent milk replacer, it’s whey.
Coconut Oil Transition Complete for All Strauss Milk Replacers
For decades, we’ve appreciated the merits of coconut oil as a beneficial component of the fat portion of calf milk replacer (CMR). Now, you’ll find it in every bag of our CMR products.
Medications in Milk Replacer: We’ve Come a Long Way
When calf milk replacer became commercially available decades ago, adding antibiotics like oxytetracycline, neomycin, and chlortetracycline was a common practice. Often these were delivered at “sub-therapeutic” levels, meaning they were not intended to treat disease, but rather to promote growth.
Use MOS to Toss Harmful Bacteria Out of the Gut
One of the most helpful, non-antibiotic additives developed for preweaned calves in the past several decades is mannan oligosaccharides, or MOS.
Early Life Scours – 7 Likely Causes
Taking care of calves that are born perfectly healthy and strong—only to break with scours within a few days of birth through 10 days—is a highly frustrating scenario.
Buckets or Bottles – The Pros and Cons of Both
The choice of vessel to deliver milk to preweaned calves is an individual decision for every operation. There are dairies and custom calf raisers that achieve excellent results using either buckets or bottles to feed their calves.
Probiotics Promote Antibiotic-free Wellness
Adding antibiotics to calf milk replacer was a very common practice in the United States for several decades. In fact, there was a time when more than half of all milk replacer sold in the U.S. was medicated with antibiotics.
Two Heads are Better Than One: UW-Madison’s Starter Guide to Pairing Dairy Calves
For a number of years now animal science research institutions have explored the benefits of raising calves in pairs or small groups over individual housing.