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Digital Refractometers Deliver Push-button Precision for Calf Raisers
Raising calves is a serious business – one that has become increasingly precise in terms of nutrition, business operations, and health and management protocols. Refractometers provide on-farm precision for a number of management protocols that support calf health and performance.
How Bravo PD-1™ Can Help Simulate Transition Milk
For many years, colostrum delivery within the first 24 hours of life – and the sooner, the better – has been emphasized. That’s because we know that calves have a finite opportunity to absorb critical immunity-boosting antibodies – particularly immunoglobulin-G.
ATP Monitoring Helps Solve the Mystery of Calf Rearing Sanitation
When it comes to raising healthy calves, sometimes it’s the details you can’t see that make all the difference.
The Merits of Mild Acidification of Liquid Calf Rations
Acidification of milk and milk replacer is a practice that has been around for a long time, with ebbs and flows of popularity. It involves adding an organic acid to lower the pH of the liquid ration to manage the growth of detrimental bacteria.
Pro Tips for Traveling Calves
Dairy calf management systems have changed considerably compared to past decades. Today, many dairies do not raise their calves on-site due to larger facilities, specialized management focus, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) considerations. Now, many baby calves of a week old or less are being transported across multiple states to be raised at dedicated calf nursery enterprises.
Nothing Beats Real Colostrum (Even If It Comes from a Bag)
If there’s one, single “secret” to raising healthy calves, it’s the timely delivery of high-quality colostrum to every one of them. We’re still learning about all the “goodies” colostrum delivers. A lot of emphasis is placed on immunoglobulins, particularly IgG, because they can be measured on-farm.
Scours and Pneumonia Go Hand-in-Hand
Experienced calf raisers know that scours and pneumonia are the two most common and frustrating health challenges they battle in their animals. What we’re learning now is that the two diseases have some common denominators.
Medications in Milk Replacer: We’ve Come a Long Way
When calf milk replacer became commercially available decades ago, adding antibiotics like oxytetracycline, neomycin, and chlortetracycline was a common practice. Often these were delivered at “sub-therapeutic” levels, meaning they were not intended to treat disease, but rather to promote growth.
Early Life Scours – 7 Likely Causes
Taking care of calves that are born perfectly healthy and strong—only to break with scours within a few days of birth through 10 days—is a highly frustrating scenario.