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Recent Strauss Reads Posts
If you could manage flies in your calf housing area continuously, with no harmful chemicals, and for less than a penny per calf per day, would you do it?
Actually, it is possible to do just that by adding ClariFly® Larvicide to your calf milk replacer.
The use of antibiotics in rearing preweaned calves has changed considerably in recent decades. Many operations are relying less on antibiotics today to keep their calves healthy. Some of that reduction has been due to regulation, and some by intentional management strategy.
Calves are creatures of habit. They crave physical comfort, companionship, and, of course, their milk ration.
One of the best things we can do as calf raisers is to deliver those elements consistently.
Raising calves is a serious business – one that has become increasingly precise in terms of nutrition, business operations, and health and management protocols. Refractometers provide on-farm precision for a number of management protocols that support calf health and performance.
For many years, colostrum delivery within the first 24 hours of life – and the sooner, the better – has been emphasized. That’s because we know that calves have a finite opportunity to absorb critical immunity-boosting antibodies – particularly immunoglobulin-G.
Calves supply the most modern genetics to the herd, and we know that caring for them well in their early life pays productivity dividends in their adult phase. But capturing that potential requires that we feed them well.