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We Are Agriculture! A Salute to National Women’s History Month
When longtime Strauss Feeds customers, Sherry Arnold and Minnie Ward, started their farming careers more than four decades ago, there weren’t many women choosing production agriculture as their career paths.
Alternative Proteins Can Have a Place in Your Calf Nutrition Program
When we think of the “best” calf milk replacer (CMR) ingredients, most growers would say all-milk formulations take first place.
Finally: New Nutrition Guidelines for Calves
At long last, we now have new, research-based guidelines to better steer our calf nutrition decisions.
Feeding Water in Cold Weather – It’s Worth It
Winter is actually a pretty great time to raise calves. In fact, many calf raisers report their best growth rates for preweaned calves occur reliably in the winter months each year.
Sanitation Matters for Everything that Touches Milk Replacer
Even skipping a couple of sanitation steps for a few days, or failing to properly wash one piece of equipment, can lead to an outbreak of sick, scouring calves that may take weeks to reverse.
What is the “Right” Milk Replacer Formulation?
If we want to deliver calves the nutrients their dams would provide, protein and fat levels need to be about 50% higher than the 20:20 recipe we fed for decades.
Cooler Temps Bring Higher Calf Nutrition Needs
When the mercury eases down, calves’ nutritional needs go up. So, before those colder days arrive, we need to pre-condition those calves.
Higher Feeding Rates Pencil Out
Virtually everyone who has adopted a higher feeding rate will tell you their calves now are healthier.
Milk Replacer Needs a Safe Home
Just like your calves, the milk replacer you feed them needs a protective, consistent and controlled environment for optimal performance.
10 Reasons to Stay the Course with Milk Replacer
The calves you’re feeding today are the cows you will be milking in two years or less.
The Ideal Electrolyte – What Kind, How Much?
Scouring and dehydrated calves need electrolyte therapy to replenish fluids and restore the acid-base balance in their bodies. But will any electrolyte product do the trick? Not exactly.
Increasing Your Benefits Through Commercial Milk Replacer
Numerous research studies over the last decade or so have shown that replacement heifers fed more closely to their nutrient needs for higher proteins and fats in the liquid-feeding phase become more productive adult animals.
It’s Cool to Help Calves Manage Heat Stress
Summer’s heat takes a toll on calves, and it sometimes arrives with little warning. In some parts of the country, Mother Nature’s fickle personality can deliver a sweltering heat wave just days after near-freezing spring temps.
Test Your Water for CMR Mixing
Most water looks the same, yet its invisible contents can fluctuate tremendously. When used to reconstitute milk replacer, those variations can be troublesome for calf health and growth.
See You at the DCHA Annual Conference
This April, we’ll be at the 25th anniversary DCHA annual conference. We hope to see you there, right in our back yard — Appleton, Wis.
New Spray Dryer Enhances Our Commitment to Quality
By processing our own ingredients, we now have greater control over the quality and consistency of those inputs.
Dairy X Beef Animals are Changing the Calf Raising Landscape
With newborn dairy-beef calves fetching in the neighborhood of $100 per head more than purebred male Holsteins, it’s an easy decision on the dairy side to strategically incorporate beef sires into their breeding programs.
Coconut Oil is the Missing Piece in Milk Replacer Formulation
When you think of coconut oil, the first things that pop into your mind might be suntan lotion or hair conditioner. But coconut oil also can play an important role in preweaned calf nutrition.
How to Mix Milk Replacer
If you’re a calf raiser, you probably mix hundreds, if not thousands, of batches of milk replacer every year. It’s a task that becomes second nature in your daily routine. Here are some key steps to feeding accurately and preventing mixing errors.
How to Read a Milk Replacer Tag
Not all milk replacers are created equally. It’s important to understand what’s in the bag to be sure the product fits the farm’s objectives when it comes to growing calves. Milk replacer tags are written in a fairly standard format, but can be somewhat confusing to end users.